please don't rearrange the furniture while i'm sitting on it.
Hazards of pet ownership.
Actually BIGCHRONO, hazards of large pet ownership…
Because it’s such a catastrophe to miss a baseball game isn’t it, Phil?xxx
Did anyone notice that the two fielders had different colored shirts…All Star game maybe?
Umm, baseball season is over. Hello?
September 08, 2015
June 27, 2017
SHAKENDOWN over 10 years ago
Hazards of pet ownership.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Actually BIGCHRONO, hazards of large pet ownership…
Number Three over 10 years ago
Because it’s such a catastrophe to miss a baseball game isn’t it, Phil?xxx
thepaw311 over 10 years ago
Did anyone notice that the two fielders had different colored shirts…All Star game maybe?
Joseph Krois over 10 years ago
Umm, baseball season is over. Hello?