Adam: I can't believe my car's in the shop again. This is totally gonna cramp my style.
Laura: Really? You work from home.
Adam: Hey, I go places! To the coffee shop and... Um...
Laura: Other coffee shops?
Adam: And that deli... With the good coffee.
Squizzums about 10 years ago
Gotta mix it up.
katzenbooks45 about 10 years ago
I know how he feels. I may not go anywhere in my car on a given day, but if it’s in the shop, I can think of all sorts of places I need to go.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
You know you have a problem car when you pull up to your favorite garage and all the technicians are cheering when they see you!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 10 years ago
What Style!?
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
I got to sign up for one of the car share programs. There are 3 in my city and it would make some things easier. The bus takes 45-55 minutes (depending upon if I miss my transfer) while if I take a car from the same point A to B – it takes 10 minutes. of course – it has been about 30 years since I last drove a car – things could be fun for me and scary for everyone else. :)))))))