Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for November 17, 2014

  1. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 10 years ago

    Ka-Lie to her Rip! After all, your lips can move, ergo…

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    Chrisdiaz801  over 10 years ago

    Rip is going to be burned, one babe or the other. Also, does anyone else think Breezy may be a Skull agent? (Farfetched, true, but you never know. I’ve seen James Bond.)

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    Observer fo Irony  over 10 years ago

    Explain the economics of life to her Rip; you need a paying job that requires your skill set.

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    Chithing  over 10 years ago

    Careful Rip. That beauty mark by her right eye can transform into a tear at a moment’s notice.

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  5. taz 496
    lecrenb  over 10 years ago

    What Cobra said…

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  6. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 10 years ago

    Tell her it’s an opportunity for her to meet her future stepmother-in-law.…Remember, “It’s not official until she’s met his parents.”I don’t know who said it first, but it may help his case.

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  7. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 10 years ago

    And while they’re introducing Breezy to her future stepmother-in-law, they may come across who really stole the money. That way they could stop having to settle….…Never mind.

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