Red and Rover by Brian Basset for November 17, 2014
November 16, 2014
November 18, 2014
What did your mom pack you for lunch today? A juice... An apple... Um, to fig bars and a bologna sandwich. I'll trade you for the sandwich! What do you even have to trade? I won't pester you for the fig bars.
That trade is full of bologna; that is how a protection racket starts. Pay the danegeld or they will raid your village. Give up the sandwich or you will get pestered for the fig bars.
I don’t remember juice bottles that small when I was his age, which is about the period in which this strip is set (remember, we haven’t gone to the moon here yet; the original Star Trek has barely premiered).
comicgos about 10 years ago
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
My IS (Irish Setter) used to like fig bars, but has since decided she doesn’t like them anymore… Good thinking, Rover! ;)
Catfeet Premium Member about 10 years ago
Rover has mastered the fine art of negotiation!
Linda Solomon about 10 years ago
Rover could pester me for anything and come out a winner. But then, he already is a winner so nevermind.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
That trade is full of bologna; that is how a protection racket starts. Pay the danegeld or they will raid your village. Give up the sandwich or you will get pestered for the fig bars.
T_Lexi about 10 years ago
Sounds just like lunches my Mom used to pack… [sigh]
ladykat Premium Member about 10 years ago
Haven’t had a bologna sandwich for a couple of years, now.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 10 years ago
you’re darn tootin’ we love fig newtons!
K M about 10 years ago
I don’t remember juice bottles that small when I was his age, which is about the period in which this strip is set (remember, we haven’t gone to the moon here yet; the original Star Trek has barely premiered).