Here we see, once again, why dogs and babies relate so well to each other. They understand each other functionally and emotionally. If I see it, it is going in my mouth for exploratory eating because it MIGHT be food. Food, sleep, and hugs are pretty much all I require.
my 3 year old granddaughter used to pretend to feed the dogs with plastic toy spoons and forks. Those dogs would sit there, getting no treat for an hour or so. Hope springs eternal.
rpG Premium Member about 10 years ago
pen cap?
pumaman about 10 years ago
Pen cap.
RoseHawke about 10 years ago
That dog’s got a real problem with pica.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 10 years ago
Here we see, once again, why dogs and babies relate so well to each other. They understand each other functionally and emotionally. If I see it, it is going in my mouth for exploratory eating because it MIGHT be food. Food, sleep, and hugs are pretty much all I require.
rshive about 10 years ago
Minor details, Satch. Minor details.
CaptB about 10 years ago
Can anyone make out what that is on the table?
SallyLin about 10 years ago
Pen cap, Blaze. See comments above.
nosirrom about 10 years ago
Satch has a very simple philosophy on food.“If I can chew it, it must be food”
Hoodude about 10 years ago
Is that foodIf you don’t want thatI’ll eat thatMerrill Markoe
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 10 years ago
My Siberian Husky is the same way. But I really like Satchel’s response, I’m going to use that next time someone points out the obvious to me!
byamrcn about 10 years ago
Uh-oh…did he already eat the pen?
ChrisV about 10 years ago
As Rob stated in another strip, thanks to Bucky and Satchel (mostly Bucky), he has a fear of long term commitments.
rgcviper about 10 years ago
Sounds to me like another round of “Food or not food?” … (As cooncat said yesterday.)
route66paul about 9 years ago
my 3 year old granddaughter used to pretend to feed the dogs with plastic toy spoons and forks. Those dogs would sit there, getting no treat for an hour or so. Hope springs eternal.