I guess then that my wife and I are the strange ones, in that, we have lived together in ‘holy wedlock’ for over 40 years and while every single minute has been perfect they have been good ! ! ! !
Since most events occur in groups of three, I suggest getting married at least one more time. The second third time is the charm, or three strikes your out.
IndyMan about 10 years ago
I guess then that my wife and I are the strange ones, in that, we have lived together in ‘holy wedlock’ for over 40 years and while every single minute has been perfect they have been good ! ! ! !
GROG Premium Member about 10 years ago
That figures.
J Short about 10 years ago
Since most events occur in groups of three, I suggest getting married at least one more time. The second third time is the charm, or three strikes your out.
linsonl about 10 years ago
Marriage…He thinks she will not change…..She thinks he will change…..both are wrong.
danlarios about 10 years ago
34 years and counting
dzw3030 about 10 years ago
I never made the same mistake once. :-) NOW has never thanked me for that. ;-)
jppjr about 10 years ago
My first wife and I quit after 16 years of wedded blisters…..
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
So, if Shoe married a cow, would it be udder nonsense?.I guess I milked this for more than it was worth…