Beni: Look! Dill has left the supply closet! And he's got the glue sticks! Nara: O, Brave one! My heart flutters! Kevin: MY HERO! Marcus: See how gracefully he carries the box of glue sticks to Miss Bliss! Alice: Except for the inevitable nose-picking.
John Allen Premium Member about 10 years ago
And what is wrong with nose picking? The glue actually helps. It does and I am a scientists so I should know!
GROG Premium Member about 10 years ago
Leave it to Alice to spoil the moment.
johndifool about 10 years ago
Why would he need glue, then?
Stellagal about 10 years ago
Dill is pretty skilled, carrying a big box of glue sticks and picking his nose at the same time.
Perkycat about 10 years ago
The group at the table need cards to hold up to give Dill their scores – probably would be 9.5.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 10 years ago
Alice: There’s one in every crowd. Jealousy is very unbecoming.
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
The rest of the kids can be, and are, the cheering masses, adoring their new hero. Alice, on the other hand, sees her future husband and is thereby entitled to be critical. Poor hero Dill….
alviebird about 10 years ago
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose.
Just don’t pick your friend’s nose.