Let’s see…. a Lion … a herd of Elephants. What’s next? Captured by Cannibals? Invasion of the giant termites? A flood? Quicksand? ..Never fear, Tarzan is here!!
I can hear the Johhny Weismuller Tarzan yell know telling Tantor(s) to make a left instead of going straight. Actually, he’d better turn them because even if the group survives by hiding behind trees, their equipment will be destroyed.
jennifer about 10 years ago
Let’s see…. a Lion … a herd of Elephants. What’s next? Captured by Cannibals? Invasion of the giant termites? A flood? Quicksand? ..Never fear, Tarzan is here!!
MJKesquire about 10 years ago
Tarzan is off to the trees in a single bound!Tarzan is Superman’s secret identity!
Aaronious about 10 years ago
Today is Russ Manning’s birthday. Happy birthday Russ!
J Short about 10 years ago
I’m sure I would be standing around and listening to this guy snipe.
yeahbutt about 10 years ago
When’s this written? 1948? This is where the classics became classic!
Old Comic Strip Lover about 10 years ago
I can hear the Johhny Weismuller Tarzan yell know telling Tantor(s) to make a left instead of going straight. Actually, he’d better turn them because even if the group survives by hiding behind trees, their equipment will be destroyed.
profkatz about 10 years ago
It’s a good thing these idiots don’t vote…..or do they??? :)> NoKenyaStompForTantorsAGowa!!