Dogs of C-Kennel by Mick & Mason Mastroianni for December 21, 2014

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    Starman1948  almost 10 years ago

    Good morning my friends. @Joe Clear and Nabuquduriuzhar: I agree. We need more American made products. And newscasters and athletes make too much money also. Y’all have an awesome day. I’m headed to church.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 10 years ago

    I am a free market sort. Everybody is worth less than they are paid. Never donate to a charity or college that pays anyone more than your earn. That includes the government.

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    damifid0  almost 10 years ago

    Good morning readers of DOCK. ;) Peace.

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    Observer fo Irony  almost 10 years ago

    Line would have been longer but the others are getting their sales on line.

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    daleandkristen  almost 10 years ago

    I buy almost all presents on-line except for kitty and doggie stocking stuffers.Great and interesting comments as usual, gang.

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    gcwh  almost 10 years ago

    The irony that can occur when you have to create strips in advance… the Mall of America was occupied this past weekend… but not for the Christmas sales.

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    Will The Pitbull  about 3 years ago

    I mean, if they wanted to, they could just escape by jumping over the wall.

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