The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for January 09, 2015

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 10 years ago

    “And while you are at it, could you see if there is any pie, that somebody forgot to take home? I’ll be glad to take it off your hands”.Go ahead, you greedy, ….grumble grumble….

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    mikie2  about 10 years ago

    I have to wonder if this—or any—restaurant, knowing about the Pennys, smiles and loads up their to-go box with spoiled or rejected stuff. Or all the stuff left on the table when regular people leave. I’d be tempted to try a “Sipowitz,” but that would get me in serious trouble.

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    loveslife  about 10 years ago

    Poor Tod, no matter what job he has , it’ s always the Pennys he has to see to.That must not be the Trough Buffet, no take out boxes there just her purse..

    He should have given them a small container for the both of them as they don’t have anything on the plates, just the rolls.

    Give them extra rolls then charge them $8.00 for a dozen . Oh and Tod don’t forget to add your tip to the bill, They are stingy with their money..

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    gmforde  about 10 years ago

    My husband used to sneak a roll into his coat pocket. He finally gave up after the rolls turned into inedible rocks. You can take rolls home, just eat them right away, which is what the Pennys will do. lol

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    sfreader1  about 10 years ago

    We were at Red Lobster on Tuesday and the waitress actually suggested putting some of the biscuits we did not eat into the take-home box of leftovers. She got a really good tip! Not just for the biscuits, though. She was a great waitress.

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    imnormal  about 10 years ago

    All food goes to waist at the Penny’s household, And it is a shame because of the starving kids overseas. I am sure Joy and Burl eat enough to feed small village.

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