The Knight Life by Keith Knight for January 03, 2015
January 02, 2015
January 04, 2015
Gift return
Caveman: Me like to return time machine!!
Are you sure? It looks like it works!!
Caveman: Since when do cave women start talking back?
Any woman will appreciate that there are still too many jerks like this! Thanks for the chuckle about our day to day reality, even though the reality needs improvement, and thank goodness i married one of the worthwhile men!
steverinoCT almost 10 years ago
Kinder, Küche, Kirche… the good old days.
sukiec almost 10 years ago
Any woman will appreciate that there are still too many jerks like this! Thanks for the chuckle about our day to day reality, even though the reality needs improvement, and thank goodness i married one of the worthwhile men!