original bluetooth
It’s cute and it makes him happy, let him borrow it!
This is why LD can NOT have anything nice. Torti.:(grr Peace. Jus suis Charlie
♫♪"In your Easter bonnet.."♫♪
Waaaaaaay better than the,Harpo-Caterpillar, hat!
February 08, 2017
Ol Skool about 10 years ago
original bluetooth
Laura Chapman about 10 years ago
It’s cute and it makes him happy, let him borrow it!
damifid0 about 10 years ago
This is why LD can NOT have anything nice. Torti.:(grr Peace. Jus suis Charlie
JP Steve Premium Member about 10 years ago
♫♪"In your Easter bonnet.."♫♪
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 10 years ago
Waaaaaaay better than the,Harpo-Caterpillar, hat!