Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for January 05, 2015

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 10 years ago

    Gene Kelly you aint, Andy.

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  2. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  about 10 years ago

    The bumbershoot is not big enough for Flo, let alone the two of you………… just go home and get out of the rain….

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  3. Yukiface
    Dampwaffle  about 10 years ago

    He’s singing and deranged…. singing and deranged…

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  4. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 10 years ago

    Speaking of “A Clockwork Orange”, wouldn’t a fight cloud ( a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence) come in horror show just about now?

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  5. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 10 years ago

    @Number SixI liked your Oscar and Wild yesterday. Just in time for the flu epidemic, too!

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  6. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 10 years ago

    Today’s strip doesn’t seem to be in character for Andy. He was never one of those “It’s the journey, not the destination” kind of guys. He does do a certain amount of walking, of course: To soccer matches (as a player or a denigrator). To pubs he hasn’t yet been banned for life from. To potential lenders he hasn’t yet been banned for life from. To dog tracks and horse tracks. But Andy considers all those walks to places he wants to go as necessary evils. He wouldn’t frolic on the way TO somewhere! And he must not have been at the pub, because, after all, Florrie’s with him……

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  7. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 10 years ago

    @Number SixI’m hoping you have good luck with the editor! I can easily see you doing justice to Andy, and I’ve liked all your own creations, too. Hard to believe there can’t be a place for you on the comics page.

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  8. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  about 10 years ago

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