I cant get over how much kids today know about technology!
we're growing up with it.
Im sure you grew up with certain skills and interests.
Its true the reason Im a "people pers-"
Hi Sunny! Im here with your grandfather now....
While it’s true that kids today know a lot about ‘technology’, I’m not sure what that really means. They seem to know a lot about computers, the internet, smart phones, etc. But how many of them know anything about physics, chemistry, math, biology, electronics, programming, or any other such things. Some do, obviously, but it appears to me that a true understanding of technology is lacking. It’s always been a minority that pursued the hard majors..Furthermore, technology savvy is only one part of the equation. what about people skills, communication and negotiation skills, manners and comportement? what about street smarts and savvy? (I got some Florida swampland to sell you !) You don’t get all that from books or computer labs !!
Lyons Group, Inc. about 10 years ago
Yeah, growing up with technology and very short attention spans.
spaced man spliff about 10 years ago
While it’s true that kids today know a lot about ‘technology’, I’m not sure what that really means. They seem to know a lot about computers, the internet, smart phones, etc. But how many of them know anything about physics, chemistry, math, biology, electronics, programming, or any other such things. Some do, obviously, but it appears to me that a true understanding of technology is lacking. It’s always been a minority that pursued the hard majors..Furthermore, technology savvy is only one part of the equation. what about people skills, communication and negotiation skills, manners and comportement? what about street smarts and savvy? (I got some Florida swampland to sell you !) You don’t get all that from books or computer labs !!
The Orange Mailman about 10 years ago
Nice contrast.
barister about 10 years ago
You tell em CS.