Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for January 16, 2015

  1. Missing large
    juicebruce  about 10 years ago

    In season is fine Hammy.

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    gcwh  about 10 years ago

    Awww, come on. Who among us (in the Northern areas) didn’t store a few snowballs in the freezer for that summer surprise ambush?

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  3. Marvin the martian
    bubbareb  about 10 years ago

    So thats where baby glaciers come from …

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  4. Avatarvtdba
    vtdba  about 10 years ago


    You left out my favorite – “Sanitary Landfill”

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    Stephen Gilberg  about 10 years ago

    That’s the fridge, not the freezer, fools.

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  6. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 10 years ago

    And don’t forget “Good Morning”.

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    hippogriff  about 10 years ago

    masterskrain: You left out athletic scholarship.

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  8. Flamingpaperhat2
    Black4dder  about 10 years ago

    I had a text book, “Basic Complex Analysis” that should be on the list.

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    fleebell  about 10 years ago

    @masterskrain Jumbo shrimp is real… I used to catch them in fla off a causeway bridge and it wasn’t unusual at all to get shrimp 8-10" long…. Don’t see them anymore though as the netters don’t let them live long enough to grow anymore. Advanced Basic is real too. Compare the original versions with what BASIC is capable of today. It is very advanced compared to what it use to be. Not trying to be picky but those two really didn’t belong on your list

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    Mr. Ed  about 10 years ago

    Perhaps a little study into the difference between a Paradox and an Oxymoron might be in order? For example: Military Intelligence is a paradox as is sanitary landfill mentioned down a couple of comments by vtdba. Both are arguments of contradiction while jumbo shrimp could be an oxymoron as directly opposite in meaning. Sadly, I think Squirrel Logic would be a paradox and not an oxymoron.

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  11. Avatarvtdba
    vtdba  about 10 years ago


    Actually “Sanitary Landfill” is an Oxymoron NOT a paradox.

    The best way to understand if a figure of speech is an oxymoron is to look, they come in two words. The first word and the second word used in an oxymoron will have completely different meanings. The two words stand opposite to each other."

    Paradox consists of a whole sentence. Oxymoron on the other hand comes with only two words that contradicts itself. In simple words, Paradox is considered to be an action that is contradictory and oxymoron is a description of a phrase, which is contradictory.

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