Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for January 17, 2015
The Colepiocephale dinosaur's name translates as knucklehead because of its thick, bony skull! Zero Freitas of Sao Paulo, Brazil, owns an estimated 5 million vinyl records! In 2014, Dr. Irving Finkel of the British Museum, London, built a version of the ark to the specifications found on 4000-year-old Babylonian clay tablets- it's circular, weighs 35 tons and it works!
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
Does senior Freitas even have a phonograph upon which to play all that vinyl?
Kerovan about 10 years ago
Every ancient culture on earth has a version of the flood event. The stories of how humans survived vary widely though. I particularly like the giant snake that stood on it’s tail and held people safely above the waters in it’s mouth from Australian Aborigine myths.
johnrussco about 10 years ago
I’m sure the just right amount. Its original designer knows everything about everything including how many hairs are on yours & mine head. … just saying, but it’s fact!
johnrussco about 10 years ago
I meant to say my
Brown Leghorn about 10 years ago
The Ark was circular and had no sail or rudder. There was also a door and retractable ramp, and maybe a sundeck with a built in shuffle board deck
corpcasselbury about 10 years ago
I’ll take God’s Word over that of Immanuel Velikophsky; far more reliable source.
mgstrick about 10 years ago
A wooden boat that size would tear it self apart. The stress of a 40 day storm would decimate it. Wooden ships like to flex. The longer they are the more they flex to the point where you can not build them any longer for risk of being sunk.