Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 01, 2015
Calvin: "This sculpture will be called "the spirit of compromise." We'll each make a snowman and have them shaking hands" Hobbes: "Great" Calvin: "This will be very inspirational! People will need to see two snowmen overcoming their differences and cooperating! Soon we'll be rolling in public commissions!" Hobbes: "Make your snowman's arm longer. His hand won't reach my snowman's hand" Calvin: "Why should I make a new arm? Just make YOURS longer" Hobbes: "Then it will look like my snowman had to reach farther than yours did. They should be equal" Calvin: "Then build your snowman closer over here!" Hobbes: "I'm not going to start all over! Just make your arm longer!" Calvin: "I refuse! You can't tell me what to do!" Hobbes: "In that case, my snowman refuses to shake with your snowman!" Calvin: "So what!! MY snowman won't even TALK to yours! I'm turning his head the other way!" Hobbes: "Ha! While he's looking over there, MY snowman will kick YOUR snowman in his big white butt!" Calvin: "Oh yeah?! Well mine knocks your snowman's head off!" Hobbes: "Fine! My snowman feeds your snowman his own nose!" Hobbes: "I don't think this sculpture is very good" Calvin: "It's a compromise"
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
Well, their intention was good.
The Life I Draw Upon about 10 years ago
Well each snowman could be reaching for a compromise.
Susie Derkins :D about 10 years ago
I bet Elsa would be good friends with those two snowmans.
Hobbes Premium Member about 10 years ago
Today’s Calvin and Hobbes seems like it was inspired by the following Peanuts strip, which Charles Schulz drew one year after Peanuts began. Schulz"s strip was included in the very first Peanuts book, which was available in stores when Bill Watterson was growing up:Click here (or stretch image): Peanuts (December 20, 1951)
Hobbes Premium Member about 10 years ago
Click here: Mutts (January 21, 2011)
westny77 about 10 years ago
Reminds me of the United Nations. They try to keep peace but it tends to fail.
orinoco womble about 10 years ago
Some people grow up. Others just get taller.
cubswin2016 about 10 years ago
Calvin has beat himself up more times than Moe has.
Carl R about 10 years ago
I presume that you realize that in truth it is the reverse of that. Democrats outnumber Republicans among the young by a large amount, and among people over 35, it is reversed. We could debate the reasons for that, but it’s been that way for as long as I recall…. which is a very long time. ;)
Vonne Anton about 10 years ago
Political / Social / Religious Commenters.
mourdac Premium Member about 10 years ago
Peace in our time was premature.
mourdac Premium Member about 10 years ago
Peace in our time was premature.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
Well, the hope we could keep personal political attacks at bay lasted, what… one day?.Too bad…
Hobbes Premium Member about 10 years ago
Seems like every time there is a major snowstorm in the US, the strip for that day has Calvin and Hobbes out playing in the snow. Truly amazing foresight by Bill Watterson from 20 years ago.
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
Let’s keep C&H a politics free zone.
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
Let’s keep C&H a politics free zone (especially, no name calling to fellow posters).
Hobbes Premium Member about 10 years ago
There will always be a few who will try to start nasty political arguments on this site whenever possible. The important thing is for the rest of us not to be drawn into it and instead to speak up against it. The purpose is to keep negative political comments to a minimum and have positive postings dominate this site so that we can all enjoy it.
Pthhht! about 10 years ago
Imagine being the neighbor watching this fracas from your living room window. A kid and his stuffed tiger going at it. What a sight!
Pthhht! about 10 years ago
I have to bite my tongue. This strip is too ripe for political comment. I would hate to puncture anyone’s thin skin.
Aaron Saltzer about 10 years ago
Calvin needs to practice what he preaches.
Mike 17 about 10 years ago
GO HAWKS!!!!!!
Max Starman Jones about 10 years ago
Thanks to all the fools who ruin an excellent strip by naming political parties. Go read Doonesbury or something.
38lowell about 10 years ago
But, the snow melts!
glowing-steak32 over 9 years ago
A certain Snow Queen could help make peace.