Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 31, 2015
Calvin: "Ugh, I hate going to the subconscious." Calvin: "Me too! Why doesn't anyone ever clean this dump?" Calvin: "Here's a movie reel. I suppose it's as good as any" Calvin: "I grabbed these two. Let's get back to central cognition" Calvin: "We can run this reel first." Calvin: " I hope these are better than last night's movies" Calvin: "Hurry up! The lights are dimming! Help me thread the projector!" Calvin: "Yikes, this is awful! Where did you guys FIND this?" Calvin: "Oops, the next reel isn't even from the same film" Calvin: "Good! Put it on!" Calvin: " This one is even worse! I guess it's some sort of suspence movie" Calvin: "Why can't we ever watch anything good?" Calvin: "Maybe YOU should get the movies next time!" Calvin: "AUGHH! Monsters! Monsters! Turn it off!" Calvin: "Too scary!! Quick, try another real!" Calvin: "This one makes no sense! What's going on?? Has this been dubbed from some other language?" Calvin: "NONE of these make sense! We're splicing them all out of order" Calvin: "What a waste of time!" Calvin: "The lights are coming back on! Show's over!" Calvin: "Finally! I thought this would never end" Calvin: "Back to work! Man your stations! Full alert!" Calvin: "Whoo, I had so many strange dreams! ...I wonder what they mean"
IndyMan almost 10 years ago
Oh, Calvin, Oh, Calvin I know what you mean. Many a morning I have awakened and felt the exact same way ! !
rshive almost 10 years ago
They probably mean you ate too much pizza.
neatslob Premium Member almost 10 years ago
That’s about how my dreams work.
Pointspread almost 10 years ago
They mean you were sleeping.
JR6019 almost 10 years ago
You’re lucky. The few dreams I remember are just boring.
orinoco womble almost 10 years ago
Just great!! I seldom dream of places or people I know in real life. For me, dreaming is like going to the movies—half the time I’m not even in my own dreams. I had a couple of small strokes about 5 years ago and since then I seldom remember my dreams. Golly I miss them—movies of the mind.
bluram almost 10 years ago
Don’t worry Calvin until your dreams are like you are walking down the street and all of a sudden the street turns into white chicken meat.
Hobbes Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Calvin never dreamed that all of those thoughts would be going through his mind while he was asleep.Wait a minute…….. Yes he did……..Too many strips to choose from today, so I’m forced to sustain the record that I set two days ago and that I tied yesterday, by posting seven once again.
To view the following strips in the archive and help GoComics generate revenue, please click on the blue archive links below. To view the strips directly, click on the images below or stretch them.Peanuts (August 25, 1955)Thatababy (April 23, 2011)Mutts (May 9, 2012)The Family Circus (January 22, 2012)B.C. (July 4, 2013)Peanuts (June 6, 1965)Calvin and Hobbes (January 13, 1991)rentier almost 10 years ago
I can imagine….
Carl R almost 10 years ago
Dreams are how we clean up the subconscious.
rentier almost 10 years ago
I had a time in my life, which was so cruel, that I could not even dream, I was like dead. All has become much better and I can dream again, but seldom I remember what it was!
BE THIS GUY almost 10 years ago
I see a future for Calvin in avant-garde cinema, except that was so 60 years ago.
wrkg_onit almost 10 years ago
Is this strip new? If so would be the first in since forever, but I do not recall it.
Vgrift85 almost 10 years ago
I had an awesome dream last night…
mrgromit almost 10 years ago
Those guys look like Minion prototypes!
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
Don’t you think those who say they don’t dream, are actually dreaming but have lost some access to the database where dreams are stored. Maybe there is a way of reindexing the tables.
I haven’t tested the theory, but my guess is when you stop dreaming, you won’t be waking up the next morning…
…at least not on earth, anyway!
Susie Derkins :D almost 10 years ago
Movies. Just movies. VERY LONG movies.
Number Three almost 10 years ago
Same here, Calvin. I had some very strange dreams last night and the night before.
None of them made any sense whatsoever.
orinoco womble almost 10 years ago
I used to remember long, detailed dreams in vivid detail. And still remember some that I had 20 years ago.
Max Starman Jones almost 10 years ago
This one is still my all-time favorite to explain where all dreams come from.
Hobbes Premium Member almost 10 years ago
@PaintTheDust: Yes, I think the 1991 Calvin and Hobbes strip is one of Bill Watterson’s best; as is this one, from two years earlier:Calvin and Hobbes (April 23, 1989)
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Dreams are such a rich source of pure imagery. When I can remember them – rarely – they tend to be bizarre and frequently angry. I regularly go through periods of time with very violent dreams. I throw punches; much better, cleaner punches than when I’m awake, and kicks. I have knocked things off my nightstand, punched headboards & walls. Never hurt myself because the punches are thrown correctly, but it always wakes me up. I don’t think I’ve ever remembered a dream I wasn’t in. They can be very entertaining, though. A few times they were so vivid and interesting that I got up and wrote them down.
cosman almost 10 years ago
I always felt that dreams are a way to delete all the useless pre/subconscious data that the mind records while awake., the mind takes that data, formats it into a dream, voila!
NotNurmal almost 10 years ago
Calvin must have had too much cheese, they say that can cause nitemares (heres me thinking it causes too much stomach irritation)
ootey over 7 years ago
This came out of course before Inside Out. Interesting how so few mine the subconscious, yet it seems so richly suited for comedy. I think so, at least…