Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for December 06, 2015
Calvin: "See any weirdness yet?" Hobbes: "How about this rock? It has a purple stripe" Calvin: "Hmm...I guess that's a LITTLE weird" Hobbes: "We'll look for something weirder" Calvin: "What do you think of this stick?" Hobbes: "It's a strange stick, but it's not a weird stick" Calvin: "It's too bad there aren't any good bugs out now" Hobbes: "Yes. Bugs are usually weird" Calvin: "Hey, here's a bird feather" Hobbes: "It's pretty but it's not WEIRD" Calvin: "A bald bird would be weird" Hobbes: "I don't see one" Calvin: "Look! A ripped-up old kit! Some kid must have lost this last summer" Calvin: "Phooey. The string broke here. I was hoping we'd find the kids skeleton up a tree at the other end" Hobbes: "THAT would be weird" Calvin: "Well, let's go in. I'm cold" Hobbes: "Me too. I guess some days weirdness is hard to find" Dad: "My glasses are fogged and I can't blow my nose, but my heart rate is the envy of men half my age!" Calvin: "Weirdness always starts at home" Hobbes: "Even when you look for it, you're never prepared for it"
dpaksundar over 9 years ago
Cycling on a cold day is weird? Oh boy, I thought that would help keep the body warmer
Cloudchaser over 9 years ago
Missed a golden opportunity for a kite eating tree reference
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member over 9 years ago
There is nothing more dangerous of cycling in the cold .
Opus Croakus over 9 years ago
A skeleton wearing a yellow shirt with a black zigzag stripe, perhaps?
rentier over 9 years ago
I had a weird event this morning. While training my organ pieces a spider let herself down from ceiling and sat down on the keys. It was an enormous spider and I was startled very much!!
rentier over 9 years ago
The weirdest things and events often are not far away!!
flash_in_the_pan over 9 years ago
Ah, this explains Calvin’s fear of bikes.
Lecherous over 9 years ago
Less chance of swallowing bugs when you cycle in winter.
tripwire45 over 9 years ago
Does he even lift?
OGWhatahunk over 9 years ago
Susie Derkins :D over 9 years ago
Motorcycles can only be used in Spring, Summer, and I think… Fall..?
cubswin2016 over 9 years ago
Charlie Brown must have gotten lost and wound up in the wrong comic strip hence panel seven.
InuYugiHakusho over 9 years ago
Unless I’m mistaken, this would be the last appearance of Calvin’s dad.
bluram over 9 years ago
Calvin, as lovable as he is, is often the prime example of weirdness.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
Weirdness, like charity, begins at home.
Number Three over 9 years ago
As I always say “Everybody is weird in their own way” It doesn’t matter who we are or where we come from.
Number Three over 9 years ago
This is my resting heart rate. Not that anybody gives a flying fig.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
So, nobody thinks a six year old talking to his stuffed tiger and getting a response from said tiger is weird?
Well, that’s weird…
Jules934 over 9 years ago
Add “weird” to the list : foreign, seize, neither, leisure, forfeit, height & weird.
Constantinepaleologos over 9 years ago
Well, they’re not going to find a bald bird if they’re looking up.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
I had to go back and reread the comic because I had zero idea how we got on the subject of heartbeats per minute.
More weirdness…
StranglyInsolentChild over 9 years ago
yay yesterday (this days strip) was my birthday: dec 6, 2015, i turn 11!
bmonk about 9 years ago
All numbers are interesting—maybe even weird. There is a proof.
tea62 about 9 years ago
What a beautiful set-up for stating one of Aristotle’s main tenets: Weirdness always starts at home.