give your bone back, Jock? Yes, I suppose I should! I said I should Jock - I didn't say I would!
Fred really!!! This is no way to start the new would be the first to complain if Jock had YOUR bone and wouldn’t give it back!!
Fred you should be nice to Jock.
Just because you’re a bigger dog doesn’t mean you should use it to get your way Fred. :(
Poor Jock, he looks so sad in the last panel. Shame on you, Fred!
I think Fred’s just getting even with Jock for always stealing his bone.
Poor Jock! Give back his bone Fred!
Shame on you Fred!
biscuitturbo about 10 years ago
Fred really!!! This is no way to start the new would be the first to complain if Jock had YOUR bone and wouldn’t give it back!!
juicebruce about 10 years ago
Fred you should be nice to Jock.
Chris Kenworthy about 10 years ago
Just because you’re a bigger dog doesn’t mean you should use it to get your way Fred. :(
sameyers2 about 10 years ago
Poor Jock, he looks so sad in the last panel. Shame on you, Fred!
rekam about 10 years ago
I think Fred’s just getting even with Jock for always stealing his bone.
Mojo0400 about 10 years ago
Poor Jock! Give back his bone Fred!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 10 years ago
Shame on you Fred!