La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for January 12, 2015
La Cucaracha answers reader mail from Latinos, AKA "self-hate mail" Dear El Jerko, Your comic strip uses "Barrio Humor," which makes Hisapnics seem ghetto. Sharon Sanchez Dear Sharon, Where in the heck did you get that idea? It came to me while I was watching Jerry Springer and picking my toes.
TheEtruscan about 10 years ago
Finally some women in this strip. Now on to a Miss Venezuela as Vero.
cepa about 10 years ago
A little self criticism is good up to the point where it turns to self hate. At that point one considers them self inferior and starts blaming other for the plight.
Some self criticism keeps up from being arrogant but excessive criticism that turns into self hate is counter productive.
agrestic about 10 years ago
Not to mention Eddie’s mom, who seems like an eminently reasonable person.
TIMH about 10 years ago
Enema time for Indiethink.
Goblinopolis about 10 years ago
It’s still a B-word. It just has more letters.