Possible hostile “natives” might be “weed” growers or meth cookers, not eager for company. Then there are the ANIMALS. Looking forward to a much different plot from “Six Days Seven Nights” (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120828/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_22) with a similar emergency landing.
wesbucey about 10 years ago
Possible hostile “natives” might be “weed” growers or meth cookers, not eager for company. Then there are the ANIMALS. Looking forward to a much different plot from “Six Days Seven Nights” (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120828/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_22) with a similar emergency landing.
mac04416 about 10 years ago
A beach?!?!?! Wern’t they just over the Everglades??? Is there a beach on Lake O ?
jruckman about 10 years ago
The Everglades border the whole southwestern tip of the Florida Gulf Coast. Beaches all over the place and not much else.
Starman1948 about 10 years ago
Good morning to all. I’m expecting a crash upon landing. Many more surprises are coming. I can feel it. Y’all have a great day.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Looks like Skye and Jan are getting cozy in the back.Was that a lightening strike in the third panel or giant slugs rising up into the clouds?
Malcolm Hall about 10 years ago
I’d be on the lookout for native Americans and Stephan Pastis.
alasko about 10 years ago
Just goes to show, Beavers don’t need landing strips.
funkman48 about 10 years ago
Giant slugs.
katina.cooper about 10 years ago
And if they’re lucky, maybe Gilligan will be waiting for them.