Pluggers by Rick McKee for January 19, 2015

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    LuvThemPluggers  about 10 years ago

    That used to be true, when the postman arrived at a predictable hour. These days, however, with combined routes and other cutbacks, there’s just no telling when mail might show up. Lately, it’s after 5 pm. Unheard of, back in the day.

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    IndyMan  about 10 years ago

    We still get our mail at approximately the same time we always have circa 10:30am EXCEPT when we have a substitute carrier on the route then it can be as late as 1:30pm before we get our mail. Plus, the fact that the mailbox is 100 yds away(closest in a ’straight line) distance) from the house sort of lengthens that time statement a little.In actual distance(following the road), it is more like 250 to 300 yds !! We live in a mobile home park !

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    gargoils  about 10 years ago

    Carriers do not have to take outgoing mail left in the box. A law passed (I think(; locally, requires new occupants to place their mail boxes on the street. Ours is on the wall, next to the front door. Clarkston, ehhh??? Not far from where Ilive in Midland…………………..

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    t jacobs  about 10 years ago

    at this point in life i tend to drive to the mailbox

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    Sangelia  about 10 years ago

    Thing is, the mail trucks have a distinctive sound to them. I can hear it when it drives up to our mailbox here.

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    ti_jean49  about 10 years ago

    Canada Post getting rid of home mail delivery . Have to pick your mail on street corners’ mailboxes :(

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    neverenoughgold  about 10 years ago

    Apparently I am not a Plugger when it comes to fetching the mail! Our rural delivery occurs late in the day, and sometimes I will get it right away, sometimes not..There is nothing that arrives via US mail requiring immediate attention. If someone wants me to get something ASAP, they will use Fedex or UPS NDA; or better yet, ring the doorbell…

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    pcolli  about 10 years ago

    Wow…. you unlucky Transatlanticans. In the UK, mail is put in the letterbox on the front door. We have to go to on the street to post a letter, though.

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    Caldonia  about 10 years ago

    And the amount of time emails spend in their computer is ages, because they don’t know how to delete them. (zing!)

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    LuvThemPluggers  about 10 years ago

    I suspect that Amazon is keeping the USPS in business. We never drive to buy something we can get that way. The postman might grumble at all the packages in his little jeep, but he knows they are paying for his pension.

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