Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 25, 2015
richard's poor almanack. by richard thompson cats garrulous drones jerks britney die-hards foodies banjo smashers squished penny enthusiasts cats the shy the blogosphere umpty-ump trillionth blog joins blogosphere the blogosphere, a virtual community of interlinked web logs, announced the addition today of its umpty-ump trillionth member when ms. myrna hummel launched her blog, myrna's randomt houghts. ms. hummel's first post, "this pancake mix might be stale," was quickly linked to by over 5 million other blogs and fits in with the blogosphere's unstated mandate: the dissem-ination of pointless an-ecdotes & observations, the expression of ill-in-formed opinions and the circulation of cat photos. actually, catblogging ( the posting of cat pho-tos as blog filler) is a cause for concern-bloggers now so out-number cats that there is a severe shortage of unblogged cats. at current levels it will take a five-fold increase in kitten production to meet the demand for blog-unique cats. and the explosive growth of the blog-oshpere has alarmed some experts who fear it may soon reach a critical mass and achieve independnt conscious-neess, becoming a hive mind filled with point-less anecdotes. "this may be the end of human evolution," said story continued at ratio of bloggers to cats pancake mix; stale?
jayat about 10 years ago
“…the dissemination of pointless anecdotes and observations…” Sounds like Facebook……
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
want to go to sleep fast,try 2 min of Facebook.
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
I hope you wrote that in your blog.
Arrrgh! The bloggers are coming, the bloggers are coming! To arms! One if by desktop, two if by tablet! Three if by smartphone!We’re doomed.
ChessPirate about 10 years ago
Psh! I don’t need no Blog to be inane, and I can prove it! :-)
OldestandWisest about 10 years ago
Too many cat blogs is an oxymoron.