Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for April 29, 2010

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Good Morning Marg, VistaBill, Lonewolf, LordDogmore and all you good people :-))

     •  Reply
  2. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Papa is a real treasureā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..if he doesnā€™t stop insulting junior heā€™s gonna be a BURIED treasure.

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  3. Jack noire comic
    LordDogmore  almost 15 years ago

    Good thing Jounior isnā€™t packing a gun, heā€™s a bit qiuck on the trigger. Good Morning Leakysqueaky.

     •  Reply
  4. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    Juniorā€™s dangerous!

    Good morning everyone!

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  5. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Jr. has the mind of a 5 year old, and some dangerous muscle massā€¦..

    Good morning, my friends, er sock puppets!

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  6. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Junior is liable to pull a Norman Bates with that knife. Pops needs to clam up.

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  7. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Pops may wind up like Leroy one of these daysā€¦.

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  8. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  almost 15 years ago

    Just like Norman Bates, Junior wouldnā€™t hurt a fly.

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  9. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    margueritem said, ā€œGood morning, my friends, er sock puppets!ā€

    All of me?

     •  Reply
  10. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    I really donā€™t like where that ā€œthought bubbleā€ in the last panel is pointing.

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  11. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    That is an unfortunate placement, Leaky.

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  12. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    It almost makes it look like ā€œThe Goats in the Gardenā€ lol

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  13. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Those 2 bellhops look like flamenco dancers. lmao

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  14. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    Calling him names and he has a knife?

    Good Morning, WW, Marg, VistaBill, Leaky, LordDogmore and all!

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  15. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    Junior is really simple mindedā€¦ā€¦.

    reminds me of Junior in Smokey and the Banditā€¦..

    Morninā€™ Everyoneā€¦ā€¦.Itā€™s only after 11 here in SoCAā€¦ā€¦itā€™s hard to go to sleep after a stimulating evening with the relativesā€¦.!!! Onward tomorrow to San Diegoā€¦..WooHoo

     •  Reply
  16. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    MontanaLady said, ā€œOnward tomorrow to San Diegoā€¦..WooHooā€

    Have a safe and pleasant trip, ML.

     •  Reply
  17. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    Thanks, VBā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦do you live out in Vista, CA? some of our kids used to live in Oceansideā€¦..

     •  Reply
  18. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    MontanaLady said, ā€œThanks, VBā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦do you live out in Vista, CA? some of our kids used to live in Oceansideā€¦..ā€

    No. I live in Southern Maryland about 15 miles south of Washington DC near Andrews Air Force Base. The ā€œVistaā€ was from Windows Vista. When I first encountered the operating system, we got along so well together that I inherited the name, Vista Bill.

     •  Reply
  19. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    Thanks for the infoā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..always good to know who weā€™re talking toā€¦ā€¦

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  20. Large 82430262 10216515107971643 3814164652313542656 n
    Dkram  almost 15 years ago

    Do you think Jr is getting a little nervous?

    And I agree with some of you, if Papa keeps it up there will be a death in the family.


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  21. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    my my, we have a tight little club here, donā€™t we?

    and we get feisty when somebody pokes funā€¦ awwww, thatā€™s so cute!

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  22. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    Hello Nighthawks.

    No more feistier than someone who doesnā€™t approve. Dontcha think?

     •  Reply
  23. 4. barque  full on
    Doubloon  almost 15 years ago

    Another morning sifting through the sock puppet postings for something with content.

    One guy, so many personnae. This board is like Kukla, Fran, and Ollie.

    Junior would be pathetically sympathetic, if he hadnā€™t killed someone.

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  24. 4. barque  full on
    Doubloon  almost 15 years ago

    Oh, let me be someone else.

    Doubloon, what do you think of American Idol?

     •  Reply
  25. 4. barque  full on
    Doubloon  almost 15 years ago

    Oh, Iā€™ll be still someone else again.

    ā€œHey, Doubloon II, whatya think of them Mets?

     •  Reply
  26. 4. barque  full on
    Doubloon  almost 15 years ago

    Hey, Spueeky-Deekey, Freeky-Tiki, and Geeky-Meaky, havenā€™t any of you anything short and cute to say that sounds like youā€™re carrying on an inside joke?


    Someone must have locked the sock puppet box.

     •  Reply
  27. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 15 years ago

    One has to ponder on weather Dad is ā€œhiding outā€ from the cops up North or hiding ā€œSonnyā€ from ā€œhumanityā€ (?)

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  28. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 15 years ago

    ā€All of me ?ā€

    VistaBill, Stop putting your ā€˜feelingsā€™ into this !

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  29. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 15 years ago

    And all the time I thought the ā€œCONTRACTā€ was on Dad hiding out in Ollieā€™s Hotel Cabana (?)

    Leaky Donā€™t go anywhere near the sea or a kid on the beach searching for doubloons with a knife !

    Itā€™s easier to understand the changing of ā€œidentitiesā€ now - maybe, like a sort of camouflage (?) - One day a ā€œnieceā€ another a ā€œnephewā€ ! ;-)

    Be careful ! - It could be longer than ā€˜oneā€™ day of silence.

     •  Reply
  30. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 15 years ago

    Howdy hi there friends and neighbors, thank you for your kind words from yesterday.

    Aww, look who has come here again today Doubleloon has something important to say Insults and invective he likes to spew The number of his brain cells must be few Immature and sock puppets we are called By someone whose development has been stalled Raging against those who like to gather here Adolescent comments made with a sneer Comes here and utters his mindless pap Sounds like someone is in need of a nap So little Mr. cranky pants hereā€™s a treat Now do us a favor, go play in the street.

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  31. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    Very well stated, wndrwrthg.

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  32. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 15 years ago

    Seems I missed the latter part of yesterdayā€™s posting. wndrwthgā€™s motivated me to look. Iā€™d missed something !

    I realize now that not only did ā€œdoubledoonā€ attack Leaky, but another poster seemed to jump in, in support of those views. He would then later comment on the strip as follows ā€¦

    ā€œThe manā€™s son is mentaly challanged. He must have been a bully growing up due to the way the father bullied himā€.

    The anaysis suggests this guy has some level of ā€œEXPERTISEā€ on these two ā€œconditionsā€. Some even think one could impact on the other (?) He overlooked though, the importance and ā€˜warmthā€™ of friendly conversation.

    Why (?) do I find myself assuming that the poster, unhappily may have had the disadvantage of being ā€œbulliedā€ as a child ?

    They say you canā€™t beat ā€˜personalā€™ experience.

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  33. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 15 years ago


    All I do is come here for the comics.

    Canā€™t the rest of you play nice?

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  34. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Wonderful again, WW!

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  35. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Sydneyā€¦ā€¦.One of the people youā€™re referring to has the ā€œNapoleon Complexā€

    The other oneā€¦ā€¦.Nighthawks and his alter ego Dubloon are probably one and the same.

    They are not even worthy of a response from any of us. Let him/her wallow in their own miseryā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

    WWā€¦.excellent as always. :-))

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  36. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 15 years ago

    Judging from his avatar this guy seems capable of putting a lot of ā€˜WINDā€™ in his sails. Iā€™d think itā€™s more ā€˜doubleā€™ rather than nothing !

    Youā€™d have to conclude heā€™s a quick ā€˜starterā€™ !

     •  Reply
  37. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  almost 15 years ago

    George, you must tie Jr up. Itā€™s for the good of the people.

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  38. Rick
    davidf42  almost 6 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

    Are we getting paranoid?

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