La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 01, 2015
Barrio Bugle Bordertown 2015 Mr. Jefe: Well, it seems the economy is getting better. No thanks to that Obama. And you asked me for a raise. Eddie: Yes. Mr. Jefe: So I"m firing you! But now I'm expanding my work force. Eddie: Did you just hand me an application? Mr. Jefe: A low-paying intern spot just opened up.
tallguy98366 almost 10 years ago
This is so common. My wife worked for a place that would “change hands” every two years, fire everybody, then bring them back in the same day for lower pay. It was a Texas owned company that had companies in Washington and all over. i researched them and found out they were all owned by one investment company. Rotten sobs.
cepa almost 10 years ago
This is a common practice in all economies. It happens to my son in Denmark and a relative n Spain.
pam Miner almost 10 years ago
very true!