I can’t believe the leftists don’t see that “net neutrality” is merely Google’s plan to preserve its profits, by ensuring the costs of new internet infrastructure fall on the end users instead of the content providers. Or maybe they do.
“Kids with no money”? How will the kids afford the Net provider fees? It costs money to live in paradise. Stealing net time is a crime. Sadly, there are costs, the hardware, someplace to house the hardware, power to operate the hardware, software to manage the hardware, people to keep an eye on the whole system and fix problems, improve the software and hardware and I’ve likely forgotten something else. Whew, I’m due for another cup and a cookie… :-))
jbmlaw01 almost 10 years ago
I can’t believe the leftists don’t see that “net neutrality” is merely Google’s plan to preserve its profits, by ensuring the costs of new internet infrastructure fall on the end users instead of the content providers. Or maybe they do.
dzw3030 almost 10 years ago
“Kids with no money”? How will the kids afford the Net provider fees? It costs money to live in paradise. Stealing net time is a crime. Sadly, there are costs, the hardware, someplace to house the hardware, power to operate the hardware, software to manage the hardware, people to keep an eye on the whole system and fix problems, improve the software and hardware and I’ve likely forgotten something else. Whew, I’m due for another cup and a cookie… :-))
kaffekup almost 10 years ago
It’s called humor. Try it sometime.