Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 12, 2015

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member about 10 years ago

    We have brought this upon ourselves.

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  2. Formal cat
    JusSayin  about 10 years ago

    It could be worse, they could be stuck with only AM radio.

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  3. Dna by rach 6 21 11
    reevesca63  about 10 years ago

    Read a book.

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    jbmlaw01  about 10 years ago

    How to determine the quality of your local classical music station: Calculate the amount of music it plays between 5 AM and noon, plus the amount it plays between 3 PM and 9 PM. The percentage of that 13 hours that is music is its score. If you are lucky enough to live in Cleveland or Charlotte or Miami, you are over 90%. Here in Atlanta it is below 25% – our public station is “left-wing talk radio” rather than classical music.

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    Al Nala  about 10 years ago

    fbjsr, “the left” and “make money” are mutually exclusive, because that would be “capitalism”!

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    echoraven  about 10 years ago

    Great insightful post..@fbjsr.Clever! Never thought of it that way!

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    kaffekup   about 10 years ago

    WABE may discuss more social issues now, but that doesn’t make it “left-wing”. If you want more music, download the app and listen to the music stream. It’s pretty simple.

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    dzw3030  about 10 years ago

    Bill Maher, Major Deblasio, the DNC, all the senior managers in the EPA, The Mayor of Berkeley, CA, President Obama & his wife, David Letterman, The management at MSNBC, CNN, Public Radio, The management of the USDA SNAP program, the list is very long. Did you know SNAP management runs radio programs (mini dramas) in Florida extolling food stamps as desirable even if you don’t need them?

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  9. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  about 10 years ago

    When you routinely use terms like “Reich Wing” to describe your opponents, then it’s no surprise that you think MSNBC is conservative. Everyone to the right of Mao must be conservative to you.

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