Out of the Gene Pool Re-Runs by Matt Janz for March 05, 2024

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    RoadTrip3500  about 1 year ago

    At my old job, our toll-free number was one digit off from a radio station somewhat far away (i.e. another time zone). So when we got the occasional wrong number, we’d often play along if we had nothing else to do… “Hi, what can I put on the air for ya? - Sure, and who would you like to dedicate that to? - Great! It’ll be on in the next 20 minutes!”

    One evening two young ladies called, and since we were busy, I politely told them they had the wrong number. They kept saying “Are you sure?” because I do have a professional-sounding voice and I did all of our company’s voiceover work. I finally convinced them this was not the radio station and they reluctantly hung up, but they intentionally called back for the next 3 days just to talk to ME because they liked my voice!

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