Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for February 10, 2015
Katy: The new girl in the grade behind me is such a good artist. Her cat drawings make my cats look like fat bears. Her dogs make mine look like hot dogs with legs. -Sigh- Washed up at six. Clayton: Those are dogs? I thought they were barking pecan logs.
Ol Skool almost 10 years ago
sure is rough being a kid these days
tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Nothing wrong with a little healthy competition
YatInExile almost 10 years ago
Hot dog with legs = dachshund
QuietStorm27 almost 10 years ago
Salt in the wound Clayton, salt in the wound. This is why any girl that had a brother is a little crazy.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 10 years ago
You drew cats that like fat bears? You mean they look like fat Winks?
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
You still have avenues open, Katie! Princess, for instance…
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
“Barking pecan logs” Katy! Think about a career in the candy business…
MontanaLady almost 10 years ago
Good Morning, Newman Family lovers……………..poor Katy, she just has to continue her drawings and not care what other people think, and LOVE what she’s doing!!!
Hunter7 almost 10 years ago
Chubby kitties and strange looking puppies? Sounds like the next “Big Eyes” art crazy. Or really cute greeting cards. Either way, Katy will be in the money.