Despite his taste in helmets, Terry "Turtle" Bertrand was known as a fine soldier
it was probably a really good protective device, but not good for the turtle
The design looks Soviet, or maybe Scandinavian; a little too close-fitting for Swiss.
Like the ending scene of Blackadder Goes Fourth
What turtle?
The turtle might get shot! =(
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
abbybookcase about 10 years ago
it was probably a really good protective device, but not good for the turtle
hippogriff about 10 years ago
The design looks Soviet, or maybe Scandinavian; a little too close-fitting for Swiss.
pouncingtiger about 10 years ago
Like the ending scene of Blackadder Goes Fourth
Jml58 about 7 years ago
What turtle?
⛒⛑⚒⚜♽♶☮☸☯e over 1 year ago
The turtle might get shot! =(