Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 02, 2015

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  about 10 years ago

    I don’t know . . .

    I wouldn’t mind a cat who loves to hug . . . if it were possible for cats to hug.

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  2. Chainlightning
    electricshadow Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Wait, did Rob ever have control of his house?

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  3. Hetrodyne
    jruckman  about 10 years ago

    You can’t lose what you never had in the first place, Rob.

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  4. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Of course cats hug, and I don’t even especially like them (in part because I’m allergic). They curl up on, next to, or around you, and start the engines. Bucky appears to be the exception that proves the rule, but Siamese are notoriously temperamental. Dogs do too, even if occasionally it is in the fashion to which Plumbob Wilson refers. Dogs love to curl up with their humans.Rob – give Satchel a hug. He needs one and so do you. Misery loves company.

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    cubswin2016  about 10 years ago

    No one has control of a house if a cat is in it.

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    abbybookcase  about 10 years ago

    we had one cat that was so cuddly it thought it was a dog. always on your lap and sometimes rolling over to get its belly scratched. once in a while it would remember it was a cat and assume a little dignity and aloofness. never lasted though.

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    Hoodude  about 10 years ago

    Kocola toboggan guy is ManxMcManix,innit…or is it MaxMcManix?

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    spinnerca  about 10 years ago

    He’s cleaning the tub because he’s the one with the rubber glove.

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    racerxyz  about 10 years ago

    I love Shakespug……

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