That makes no sense, just like my comment being removed yesterday, for naming the two who caused the banking crisis to begin with. 2 names, the people who were, and still are in charge of the banks, and it gets deleted, but watch the people swear up a storm on here and verbally abuse others and that’s no problem at all.
ksoskins over 14 years ago
Someone unclear on the concept.
rhol55 over 14 years ago
After not paying the phone bill, is taking phone calls still an option?
mrslukeskywalker over 14 years ago
That makes no sense, just like my comment being removed yesterday, for naming the two who caused the banking crisis to begin with. 2 names, the people who were, and still are in charge of the banks, and it gets deleted, but watch the people swear up a storm on here and verbally abuse others and that’s no problem at all.
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
Had a student rack up $300 in phone calls. Had the one who pays the bill not said anything I never would have known. Took her 6 months to pay it back.