A horse Playing an air guitar surrounded by a pack of chameleons and wearing camouflage
I want to know what happens in the 5th panel.
For his next number, Horace will perform, “Tommy, Can You See Me?”
5th panel has Klingons and a cloaking device
Panel 5: All while standing in a pool of mustard.
Hey, where’s the giant rabbit?
July 31, 2015
archipelago Premium Member about 10 years ago
I want to know what happens in the 5th panel.
Simon_Jester about 10 years ago
For his next number, Horace will perform, “Tommy, Can You See Me?”
DamnHappyChappy about 10 years ago
5th panel has Klingons and a cloaking device
Sherlock Watson about 10 years ago
Panel 5: All while standing in a pool of mustard.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
DavidHurley Premium Member about 10 years ago
mightyfrog about 10 years ago
Hey, where’s the giant rabbit?