Lucky Cow by Mark Pett for May 19, 2017

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    DO YOU:

    Recycle religiously?

    Drive a hybrid (or see the attraction?)

    Know what a Poetry Slam is?

    Then enjoy the BLUE plate special! (nutmeat and soy milk)

    DO YOU:

    Own something that depicts an American flag and a cross on it?

    Drive an extended-cab pickup?(or see the attraction?)

    Know who Jerry Jenkins & Tim LaHaye is?

    Then enjoy our RED plate special(chicken fried steak and iced tea)

    LUCKY COW serving both Americas

    Leave it to the salacious and hungry SHOGGULU to try many and any means to get in more hungry customers to eventually eat once they have been prepared by the various means in the additives they manufacture for just this purpose.

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