La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 04, 2015
Employee: "Welcome to the new and improved Barriobucks. How may I sincerely serve you?" Cuco: Two red-eye mexpressos. Eddie: ZZZ Employee: "Would you like something to eat with that?" Cuco: No thanks. Employee: "Vegan?" Cuco: No. Employee: "Kosher?" Cuco: No. Employee: "Then can I interest you in our 'Barriobucks Appetite Stimulant Pills'?"
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
Um… how do you get a kosher coffee?
SKJAM! Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Ah, the linewide meeting was to tell the baristas they had to be more aggressive about “upselling” to increase revenues. (Without getting paid more to do so, of course.)
dzw3030 almost 10 years ago
Lalo, you’re on a roll! :-))
kaffekup almost 10 years ago
Kosherstarbucks.comBelieve it or not, it will tell you what is kosher there, based on what level you keep.
TIMH almost 10 years ago
If this politically neutral story arc continues much longer, Indiethink’s head will implode. I hope it goes on for a month.
satirist almost 10 years ago
It will be hard to keep away from politically charged strips given the way the world spins out of control . . . but maybe that’s it, the world is NOT spinning out of control, but we only imagine it so since we drink so much caffeine.