Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for March 08, 2015
richard's poor almanac by richard thompson other functions of tmx elmo tells unsavory joke about sunffleupagus at which only he laughs. attacks early model tickle-me elmos as they are inferior and must be destroyed. puts the moves on a bratz doll. zzzzzz tiny yet lethal buzzsay emerges from right hand. this is actually a design flaw (long story) that could result in a product recall if enough people complain. raves incoherently at "those ing dr. frankensteins at fisher price" who are "control-ling my mind." runs away and sells himself on ebay for exorbitant sum.
rayannina almost 10 years ago
It’s Buzzsaw Louie!
puddlesplatt almost 10 years ago
I still want some of Richards meds…they sound like fun.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Now that’s the Elmo I want!Richard rocks!