splorp! plop! thatababy: every home should have an emergency peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Or not.
Love it! Not too many people have your creative talent !
Ooh … wonder if SPLORP and PLOOP will be regular additions to BLORK here? Hee, hee.
And why do I have the sudden urge to hear the song “Peanut butter jelly time”?
April 08, 2014
Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago
Or not.
Nancy Murphy about 10 years ago
Love it! Not too many people have your creative talent !
rgcviper about 10 years ago
Ooh … wonder if SPLORP and PLOOP will be regular additions to BLORK here? Hee, hee.
And why do I have the sudden urge to hear the song “Peanut butter jelly time”?