The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for March 04, 2015

  1. Thumb dr strange
    LeoAutodidact  about 10 years ago

    Appreciating good work, something all too rare these days!

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  2. Ic6
    karanne  about 10 years ago

    Had that happen to a sweater dress I have …

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  3. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  about 10 years ago


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  4. Retired dude avatar
    Retired Dude  about 10 years ago

    My wife and I went to a local hamburger joint a few days ago and the young people who worked there were polite and helpful, had good manners and were very respectful (to all the customers, not just us geezers). What a pleasant surprise! Needless to say, this was not McDonald’s. The thing is, we had become so used to poor service that when we actually encountered GOOD service we were surprised by it.

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    Lamberger  about 10 years ago

    Here in Tennesee, most people are cheerful and very polite. As they saying goes, “An armed society is a polite society.”

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  6. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  about 10 years ago

    Makes me happy that almost all the people in my area have arms…

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  7. Rx symbol
    rphbeta  about 10 years ago

    The ground he walks on is on the other side of the counter. But, don’t go there.

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