It must be adult binky- they freak out when they can't find it.
Can’t drive without it.
Smart babies.
Nicknames…Pacifier = BinkyCellular Phone = Candy Crush Game
My baby brother named his pacifier “Bobby.” When he’d started asking for Bobby, we’d do a mad rush through the house before he got agitated.
July 17, 2015
eazzyw about 10 years ago
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 10 years ago
Can’t drive without it.
Arianne about 10 years ago
Smart babies.
jtviper7 about 10 years ago
Nicknames…Pacifier = BinkyCellular Phone = Candy Crush Game
milady1 about 10 years ago
My baby brother named his pacifier “Bobby.” When he’d started asking for Bobby, we’d do a mad rush through the house before he got agitated.