La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 12, 2015
Radio: I don't know if it's close to Cinco de Mayo, but there better not be a Mexican flag flying anywhere! It's treason! In other news, congressional Republicans have invited the head of Israel to come and criticize Obama. Oh, why can't a foreign leader like Bibi Net Anyahu be our president?
agrestic almost 10 years ago
Netanyahu, Putin…looks like we’ve got a Republican primary on our hands!
SKJAM! Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The comic strip is a couple weeks or so behind the events, so we can pretty much guess Lalo’s reaction to the Senators’ letter to Iran.
SuicideShovel (84" stroker, 9:1 pistons) almost 10 years ago
Actually, they can run for any office but POTUS. Since the strip illustrates RushThink, logic is precluded.
kaffekup almost 10 years ago
But I thought the republicans already think we have a foreign leader…
cepa almost 10 years ago
What is Lalo talking about? Here in the Southwest you see Mexican flags on bumper stickers, T shirts and everywhere on cinco de Mayo.
tallguy98366 almost 10 years ago
You missed the joke. Anyway, I thought Republcans loved Putin? Pooty will be heartbroken that the REDs have fallen out of love with him.