Urrrrghh! Garrgh! Aaaaah! Wow! He made a rabbit from nothing! It's just slight of hand, son.
Being able to manipulate matter at will, he was able to make a modest income as an entertainer specializing in sleight of hand, hiding in plain sight.
That’s a new look for you, Dr. Manhattan.
I use a 3D printer. And chocolate.
October 31, 2014
March 05, 2017
June 13, 2017
September 08, 2017
September 24, 2017
May 07, 2018
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 10 years ago
Being able to manipulate matter at will, he was able to make a modest income as an entertainer specializing in sleight of hand, hiding in plain sight.
Stephen Gilberg about 10 years ago
That’s a new look for you, Dr. Manhattan.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
Ida No about 10 years ago
I use a 3D printer. And chocolate.