I can think of TWO “corpulent cabooses” that would qualify for naming rights on this thoroughfare. One wears pants suits by Gloria Peterbilt, and the other caused the mothballing of the Shuttle when she stopped giving her skivvies to be used as “drag-chutes” for the landings.
Rod Gonzalez almost 10 years ago
Grog can read?
Agent54 almost 10 years ago
They have paper books?? Peter is always throwing tablets into the water.
Ron Gray almost 10 years ago
“Broadcast” I think is more derogatory.
pamlicorat almost 10 years ago
I can think of a lot worse, I just can’t put them down here.
nosirrom almost 10 years ago
Maybe I should think twice about being considered Broadminded.
papabear almost 10 years ago
I can think of TWO “corpulent cabooses” that would qualify for naming rights on this thoroughfare. One wears pants suits by Gloria Peterbilt, and the other caused the mothballing of the Shuttle when she stopped giving her skivvies to be used as “drag-chutes” for the landings.
Prey almost 10 years ago
Thanks papabearbeary that “Gloria Peterbilt” made my day.
assrdood almost 10 years ago
So, if Broadway is for the ladies, how about a snappy name for the gents room? Any suggestions?
jtviper7 almost 10 years ago
Like I said yesterday ’ Broad Jumping ’…
Karaboo2 almost 10 years ago
I wonder what the ladies in Broadus Montana think of that.
tuslog64 almost 10 years ago
A gentleman took his girlfriend to a western themed restaurant.She had to excuse herself for a while, but soon returned:“Am I a steer or a heifer?”
tuslog64 almost 10 years ago
Or having the choice: Erkez or kadun?
TimeLordSoundwave almost 10 years ago
Says the comic that includes a character named “Fat Broad”.
Jose'Crane almost 6 years ago
Why is it always that expression from him when he reads that thing?