Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 28, 2015
Hobbes: "What's with the face?" Calvin: "I'm doing stretches" Calvin: "Chewing magazine says you should always warm up before you chew gum" Calvin: "Did you know that neglecting to stretch the temporalis muscles is the leading cause of gum chewing injuries?" Hobbes: "What about falling down while chewing and walking?" Calvin: "With a good helmet, the risk is surprisingly small"
BE THIS GUY almost 10 years ago
Dang helmets take the fun out of everything!
alviebird almost 10 years ago
I ride frequently, and have never worn a helmet. It’s just too inconvenient to keep up with one. What am I supposed to do with my cap? How do I keep the helmet from getting stolen when I leave it on the bike? (I’m not totin’ that thing around the store with me, for example.)
I’ve had a couple of wrecks, one of which broke 6 ribs and a collarbone (in 2008). I bumped my head in that one, but not too hard. That’s the closest I’ve come to needing a bike helmet in my 60 years.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Safety first!
stefaanv almost 10 years ago
The weirdest thing over here is almost nobody of the adult cyclists wears a helmet, except when riding a racing bike, in that case, everybody wears it (since professional racers started wearing the helmet).
orinoco womble almost 10 years ago
I was told by one of my teachers that if I swallowed my chewing gum my windpipe would stick together. She didn’t seem to be aware that you don’t swallow things down your windpipe—not if you want to live, anyway. When I pointed this out, she called me a smart alec and sat me in the hall.
Fine by me.
chizzel almost 10 years ago
The only difference between with and without a helmet is open or closed casket.
mourdac Premium Member almost 10 years ago
A precursor to the fools who text while walking, keep on waiting for one to walk into a light pole or something.
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
Of course it was said of Gerald Ford that his mental faculties were so lacking that he couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time.
It’s pretty much why I don’t need a helmet when I’m chewing gum! Not a lot of danger when you’re sitting down…
Hobbes Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Even a helmet may not protect you if you ride a motorcycle and chew gum at the same time.
damifid0 almost 10 years ago
I ride a MotoGuzzi V7 Stone,got off a HD Sportster 1200. I got a new bell Revolver modular,w/flip down sunshield. My helmets have saved me from a few times, my head hit the road[ground]for whatever reason.The helmet took the hit not me. :) Peace. oh BTW,i was a MMA member and fought the law for mandatory helmet use. Let those who ride decide!
pshapley Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I had a friend who rode a motorcycle. He always wore a helmet, but he opposed mandatory helmet laws. Why? He said helmets slowed the thinning of the herds of reckless nuts on motorcycles who shouldn’t be out there in the first place.
Number Three almost 10 years ago
Calvin’s helmet is awesome!
Susie Derkins :D almost 10 years ago
As long as it’s good for your jaw…
alviebird almost 10 years ago
Just to clarify…
I know I should wear a helmet.
I’m talking about bicycle riding.
In the “risk/benefit” analysis: I’m sixty, and have had a good run, but the best part of my life is over. I’m not that concerned with becoming a donor.
rajasetlur almost 10 years ago
The face in Panel 3 could be good new meme
rajasetlur almost 10 years ago
Is that a human face (with a forehead dot) on Hobbes’ foot?