Good morning my friends. A lot of people share Jane’s opinion about camping. Maybe a passing ship will spot their fire. Maybe they will be rescued soon. Y’all have a special,day.
Jane needs to meet a tree frog up close and personal. They are so tiny, so cute, that even Jane could not help but fail to be scared and then fall in love with them.
Starman1948 almost 10 years ago
Good morning my friends. A lot of people share Jane’s opinion about camping. Maybe a passing ship will spot their fire. Maybe they will be rescued soon. Y’all have a special,day.
svetlana17 almost 10 years ago
Jane needs to meet a tree frog up close and personal. They are so tiny, so cute, that even Jane could not help but fail to be scared and then fall in love with them.
Observer fo Irony almost 10 years ago
Is that what Chelle looks like without glasses?
pumaman almost 10 years ago
Tree frogs. Maybe four.
The Postman almost 10 years ago
The tree frogs here in the Keys grow to a three inch body, they are big and loud.