Bob the Squirrel by Frank Page for April 25, 2010

  1. 442 104.ts1102651082013
    gulfcoastgrl  almost 15 years ago

    Ok so, how and why, did he have the brain? Can someone shed a light?

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  2. Macaw1
    parethed  almost 15 years ago

    Is it his brain? Did he take it out to play with it?

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  3. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  almost 15 years ago

    U know how some folks sing what they think are the lyrics - Via YouTube:

    “I’m Singing in the Rain”, Gene Kelly

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  4. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  almost 15 years ago

    Joe-Allen’s “OK” - see yesterday’s “okie” post.

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    cleokaya  almost 15 years ago

    Frank, your artwork on Sunday’s really shines.

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    ThatCat61  almost 15 years ago

    Joe, I think Frank made a very humorous statement about how some adults dumb down Everything for children. One of the reasons why we have so many… dumbed-down children. It’s a cartoon. It was funny, and not kill a kitten funny, just everyday funny. Not only is the squirrel fictional, so are the characters in the comic strip. It really does help not to read too much into things but rather to just take them in the lighthearted manner which they are offered. Thank you Frank for taking the time out of your day to make mine lighter. Great Gene Kelly reference. Two thumbs up today.

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    tmfmvt  almost 15 years ago

    Loved it…thank you!

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  8. Dsc00030
    alviebird  almost 15 years ago

    “I took my brains out and stretched ‘em on the rack, now I’m not too sure I’m ever gonna get ‘em back.”

    Can you guess where this is from before you look?:

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    Lawrence Stetz Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I let my mind wander and now I have to go look for it.

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  10. Tennessee tuxedo 300
    opus74  almost 15 years ago

    Great artwork Frank. Just great !!

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  11. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  almost 15 years ago

    Lots of folks learn that way Joe.

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