La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 27, 2015

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    Space_cat  almost 10 years ago


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    kaffekup   almost 10 years ago

    Lalo hates fundamentalist screwballs! Racist!(Just thought I’d get it out of the way early.)(Humor)

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    kaffekup   almost 10 years ago

    “Racist? Illogical. However if they are our screwballs it is “okay” for us but not them?”.What does this even mean? And how does it relate to my comment? Who said anything about “us” vs “them”? And did you understand the last line? You could google it.

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    SABRSteve  almost 10 years ago

    Some members of the GOP do not trust Iran nor their president for that matter. There’s ample history for their feelings. We are a divided nation and a divided world, and Obama has failed to bring us together.

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    dzw3030  almost 10 years ago

    Article two, section two of the Us Constitution requires Senate approval of a treaty negotiated by the president. A treaty, by definition, is a written agreement between two countries. Mr. Obama is forgetting his expertise in constitutional law.

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    SClark55  almost 10 years ago

    This is about as dumb as it gets.

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    James L Culpepper  almost 10 years ago

    Why? Because our Lord Obama is not getting his way with by-passing Congress?

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    agrestic  almost 10 years ago

    Another could be “we have mutual languages yet are unable to understand each other.” Or something like it.

    True. And the ultimate point being I think you may have missed the sarcasm in Kaffekup’s original post, and then Kaffekup took offense at the tone of your reply, and so on.

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    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Now that’s funny. Totally a attack on the right wing, but a well thought out joke. Good writing Lalo, even though I don’t always agree with you.

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