Michael Ramirez for March 13, 2015

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    feverjr Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Bill Krystol and the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, which gave $700,000 to Tom Cotton’s campaign, wrote the letter that 47 Republicans signed but now say they didn’t read. Who is running the Party of TEA?

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    oneoldhat  over 9 years ago

    yes beau the gop is undermining bho attempt to help iran get nuke bombs

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    As necons have suggested, let’s have war with Iran. In the war they had with Iraq, when we backed Saddam, they lost a million folks over 8 years. Of course if WE lose a million troops in such a war that’s okay with the righties, right? Well, I suggest we send them all over first, aboard B-52s as human tactical weapons, just drop ’em on Tehran from 35,000 feet. It would be like a giant bugs on the windshield event!!

    And yes, I can think of who the first 47 of those “bombs” should be.

    Those who don’t learn from history repeat it. Those who’ve never read the Constitution, shouldn’t proclaim themselves experts, like the gang of 47, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Faux News folks, or Ramirez. Ah, yes, the appropriate “ammo brigade”!!

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  4. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  over 9 years ago

    churchillwasright (cwr) – If there has ever been someone with steady, well thought-out, factually correct, dead-on remarks/commentary on this little web-site, it has been that of dtroutma’s. *dtroutma’s little bit of satire above is only missing two names on the “bomb” list, you cwr and logicalones; a statement you, in you twisted cwr way of thinking, will probably take as a compliment. *As to President Obama, at least he is trying to irk out a peace agreement vs. today’s reactionary GOP who are, very obviously—and one would have to be blind or brainwashed not to see it—doing all they can to create another situation where they can claim phony reason(s)— mostly of their own making—for another bloody-GOP/Corporate inspired war. And why…just follow the money.*Dwight D. Eisenhower was so very correct when he made his very famous and deadly accurate statement, “Beware of the military-industrial-(and now-political) complex.” You, cwr, logicalone, and your ilk are naught but brainwashed dupes—so mean and stupid at times that one can only sit-back and laugh in despair at your remarks—of that very Eisenhowerian for-seen ‘military-industrial-[political] complex’.

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    sw10mm  over 9 years ago

    Still prefer to post pics instead of sitting down to read the Constitution? That says a lot.

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    oneoldhat  over 9 years ago

    bho wants iran to get the bomb and is forcing univ of mass to train them

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Festin: thanks for the backup post on the resolution. BTW, I usually don’t cite sources (viable accurate ones) because I wait with not-so-bated breath, for my stalkers to post some totally INaccurate post from Beck, Limbaugh(they’ll deny it), Breitbart, or Faux “News”.

    ’tis also interesting to occasionally observe what happens to the head spinners when something said with sarcasm will set them off on another right-wing, Obama hater, rant.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    On “negotiation” on a somewhat smaller scale in ’94 when Clinton sent Jimmy Carter to “negotiate” with the military coup leaders in Haiti. Carter offered them alternatives, as in “the bombers will be here in 30 minutes”, they were gone in 25 and the elected government returned. Not that Haiti has been, or likely will be, a stable and model government.

    “Carry a big stick” was a diferent story for Teddy went it didn’t come with the risk of global thermonuclear war if you screwed up.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^that’s “Teddy when”, not “went”, danged typos!

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  10. Self.portrait.600
    JimBrinkley Premium Member over 9 years ago

    lol..Good one Michael.

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