Skippy by Percy Crosby for October 09, 2012

  1. Louie avatar
    luckylouie  over 12 years ago

    Our culture must have changed more than I realized in 90-odd years. I don’t get this one at all. (Or maybe I should say it goes “over my head”.)

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    orinoco womble  over 12 years ago

    Things have changed. Newsprint ink is now soy based and while it comes off (or did) on your hands, it doesn’t leave a sticky patch like 1920s printer’s ink did. His hairpiece stuck to the sticky ink patch on the wall.My elder brother was a printer’s devil long ago.

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  3. 1899lsu avatar
    YatInExile  over 12 years ago

    That’s actually fly paper. It had adhesive on one side and you would lay it out and wait for flies to get stuck on it. You didn’t actually swat flies with it, like Skippy tried to do.

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  4. Vaughnbobble
    camapa233 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Yup. Fly paper. And there used to be fly strips — you’d hang those on the ceiling, and the strip, about an inch wide, would gently sway in whatever air stirred in the room, catching the flies.

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  5. Vaughnbobble
    camapa233 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And on a totally unrelated issue: FLY — a simple, three letter word that means at least three totally different things. No wonder English is so hard to learn for non-native speakers. And, according to Professor Henry Higgins, for everyone in America. Particularly here in the South. Y’all.

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    Steveh16  over 12 years ago

    Ahhh I remember sly strips. I think they caught our hair as kids more than flies though…

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    Greg Gatwood Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Crosby is so modern. His panels are striped of all but the essentials, in this case the main characters and associated props. No ornate decorations or back drops. That must have been really remarkable at the time. Almost like an Apple Ipod commercial.

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    terrencio  over 12 years ago

    still use fly paper strips they work Ok.

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  9. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  over 12 years ago

    OK, He sees three flies on the wall. He uses flypaper to try and snare them, but they escape and he runs off trying to trap them. Of course it leaves stickum on the wall. The man sits down and his toupee gets stuck to the wall. They call me Mr. Obvious.

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  10. Louie avatar
    luckylouie  over 12 years ago

    Thanks for the explanation, guys.

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