Drabble by Kevin Fagan for April 07, 2015

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    Kevindrabble  almost 10 years ago

    Mathematics mean nothing to Cubs fans. They know well ahead of time they are eliminated. After all Theodore Roosevelt was President the last time they won the World Series.

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    Kevindrabble  almost 10 years ago

    Yes, Ralph, you already took off your blue hat and jacket. Don’t blame you for that.

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    Proginoskes  almost 10 years ago

    Not impossible for the Royals …

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    carlosrivers  almost 10 years ago

    according to they guys on wscr, chicago, the only team that had a sucessful season is the team that won the world series. every other teams’ season is a waste of time…

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    YatInExile  almost 10 years ago

    That settles it. Ralph is a Cubs fan.

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    Saddenedby Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    kinda off the subject here – but have you ever noticed how every sports commentator knows what should and shouldn’t be done with EVERY team and yet nobody will hire them to coach/manage a professional team? or even be the general manager? and yet we allow them to fuel our emotions with their drivel.

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    gaslightguy  almost 10 years ago

    I’m with you 100%!

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    zippykatz  almost 10 years ago

    The Cubs haven’t even lost the second game yet!

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    robert423elliott  over 1 year ago

    No, zippykatz, at the time that you and all the others commented, the Cubs had not lost their second game. What you didn’t know was that this was the Cubs year. In 2016, they won the World Series!!!

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